Microsoft Word 2010 Chapter 2 Lab 2 Preparing a Research Report with a Footnote

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Microsoft Word 2010 Chapter 2 Lab 2 Preparing a Research Report with a Footnote

Problem: You are a college student enrolled in an introductory English class. Your assignment is to prepare a short research paper in any area of interest to you. The requirements are that the paper be presented according to the MLA documentation style, contain at least one note positioned as a footnote, and have three references. One of the three references must be from the Internet. You prepare a paper about trends in agriculture (Figure 2–84).

Instructions: Perform the following tasks:
1. Start Word. Modify the Normal style to 12-point Times New Roman font. Adjust line spacing to double and remove space below (after) paragraphs. Update the Normal style to include the adjusted line and paragraph spacing. Create a header to number pages. Type the name and course information at the left margin. Center and type the title. Set a fi rst-line indent for paragraphs in the body of the research paper.
2. Type the research paper as shown in Figures 2–84a and 2–84b. Insert the footnote as shown in Figure 2–84a. Change the Footnote Text style to the format specified in the MLA documentation style. Change the bibliography style to MLA. As you insert citations, use the source information listed below and on page WD 134:
a. Type of Source: Article in a Periodical
Author: Barton, Blake
Title: Computers in Agriculture
Periodical Title: Agriculture Today and Tomorrow
Year: 2012
Month: Feb.
Pages 53–86
Publication Medium: Print
b. Type of Source: Book
Author: Newman, Albert D., and Carmen W. Ruiz
Title: The Agricultural Industry Today
Year: 2012
City: New York
Publisher: Alabama Press
Publication Medium: Print
c. Type of Source: Web site
Author: Brewster, Letty
Name of Web page: Agriculture: Expanding and Growing
Year: 2012
Month: Jan.
Day: 3
Publication Medium: Web
Year Accessed: 2012
Month Accessed: Feb.
Day Accessed: 9
3. At the end of the research paper text, press the enter key once and insert a manual page break so that the Works Cited page begins on a new page. Enter and format the works cited title. Use Word to insert the bibliographical list. Convert the bibliography field to text. Change the underline format on the titles of the works to the italic format, and insert the correct publication medium for each work.
4. Check the spelling and grammar of the paper.
5. Save the document using Lab 2-2 Agriculture Paper as the fi le name.
6. Print the research paper. Handwrite the number of words, including the footnotes, in the research paper above the title of your printed research paper.

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Microsoft Word 2010 Chapter 2 Lab 2 Preparing a Research Report with a Footnote

Problem: You are a college student enrolled in an introductory English class. Your assignment is to prepare a short research paper in any area of interest to you. The requirements are that the paper be presented according to the MLA documentation style, contain at least one note positioned as a footnote, and have three references. One of the three references must be from the Internet. You prepare a paper about trends in agriculture (Figure 2–84).

Instructions: Perform the following tasks:
1. Start Word. Modify the Normal style to 12-point Times New Roman font. Adjust line spacing to double and remove space below (after) paragraphs. Update the Normal style to include the adjusted line and paragraph spacing. Create a header to number pages. Type the name and course information at the left margin. Center and type the title. Set a fi rst-line indent for paragraphs in the body of the research paper.
2. Type the research paper as shown in Figures 2–84a and 2–84b. Insert the footnote as shown in Figure 2–84a. Change the Footnote Text style to the format specified in the MLA documentation style. Change the bibliography style to MLA. As you insert citations, use the source information listed below and on page WD 134:
a. Type of Source: Article in a Periodical
Author: Barton, Blake
Title: Computers in Agriculture
Periodical Title: Agriculture Today and Tomorrow
Year: 2012
Month: Feb.
Pages 53–86
Publication Medium: Print
b. Type of Source: Book
Author: Newman, Albert D., and Carmen W. Ruiz
Title: The Agricultural Industry Today
Year: 2012
City: New York
Publisher: Alabama Press
Publication Medium: Print
c. Type of Source: Web site
Author: Brewster, Letty
Name of Web page: Agriculture: Expanding and Growing
Year: 2012
Month: Jan.
Day: 3
Publication Medium: Web
Year Accessed: 2012
Month Accessed: Feb.
Day Accessed: 9
3. At the end of the research paper text, press the enter key once and insert a manual page break so that the Works Cited page begins on a new page. Enter and format the works cited title. Use Word to insert the bibliographical list. Convert the bibliography field to text. Change the underline format on the titles of the works to the italic format, and insert the correct publication medium for each work.
4. Check the spelling and grammar of the paper.
5. Save the document using Lab 2-2 Agriculture Paper as the fi le name.
6. Print the research paper. Handwrite the number of words, including the footnotes, in the research paper above the title of your printed research paper.


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