CIS170A Week 6 Lab 6 of 7 Arrays Rent List

$ 15

CIS170A Week 6 Lab 6 of 7 Arrays Rent List

Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary:
Step 1: Create a New Project
Create a Visual Basic Console Project in Visual Studio. Name the Project CIS170A_Lab06.
Write the program that will use arrays to store rent by floor and display the rent for the selected floor using the Processing Logic provided in Step 2.

Step 2: Program Description
In this project, you will create a program, using an array, which keeps a list of the rent rates for an apartment building. The rent rate for an apartment depends on which floor the apartment is located on and every apartment on the same floor has the same rent rate. The program shall read the name of the apartment building, how many floors the apartment building has, and get the rental rates for each of the floors. Once the rental rates are provided, the program shall list the rates. The program user shall be able to provide a floor number and the program will display the apartment building name, the total number of floors, the requested floor, and how much the rent is for the given floor.

The customer has several apartment buildings to choose from. The smallest apartment building has three floors and the largest apartment building has 20 floors. The program shall validate that the floor number is between the minimum and maximum floor values. Also, the minimum rental rate for any building is $1,000 per month, while the highest rent is $2,500. The program shall validate that the provided rental rates are within the minimum and maximum rates.

Design Requirements:
In Week 7, we will expand on this program and in order to easily modify it, your program will incorporate the following design features:
1. The design will be modular and the event handlers shall not contain any processing logic, but only invoke reusable modules.
2. All minimum and maximum values shall be declared as constants.
3. The user shall not be able to input the floor he or she wants to search for until after the apartment building name, the number of floors in the building, and the rent values for each of the floors in the building have been entered and validated.
4. Declare rentlist, numFloors, and requestedFloor as form level variables. All other variables should be declared locally as required.

The following shows the Program Hierarchy:

The following shows the flowchart of the program.

Step 3: Build The Form
The following is the Object, Property, Setting, Event chart for the form controls, and each input field will have a label/input field pair. Also, group the related information in the associated group box.

The form and form controls will be logically placed on the form, the controls aligned and sized, and a logical tab order will be assigned to each of the form controls.

Object    Property    Setting
frmRentList    Text    Apartment Rent List
lblHeading    Text    Name, Course Title, Week Number, Lab Title
grpApartmentInfo    Text    Apartment Building Information
   lblName    Text    Apartment Name:
   txtName    Text    (empty)
   lblNumFloors    Text    Number of Floors:
   txtNumberFloors    Text    (empty)
   lstRents    Items    (empty)
   btnRentData    Text    Get Rent List
grpFloorRequest    Text    Floor Request
   lblFloor Request    Text    Requested Floor
   txtFloorRequest    Text     (empty)
   btnGetFloorRent    Text    Get Floor Rent
grpResults    Text    Rent Results
   lblRentResults    Text    (empty)
grpOperations    Text    Operations
   btnClear    Text    Clear
   btnExit    Text    Exit

Step 4: Implement the Event Handlers
Use the following as the design for your event handlers, referring to the flowchart for rules on input validation and processing. The final calculation SHOULD NOT be completed until all the input fields are validated.

Control Name    Event    Task
txtName    Validating    Get apartment name
Validate apartment name
txtNumberFloors    Validating    Get number of floors
Validate number of floors
btnRentData    Click    Collect Floor Rent
Get Data
Add to lstRents
txtFloorRequests    Validating    Get requested floor
Validate requested floor
btnGetFloorRent    Click    Find Floor Data
Display Floor Data
btnClear    Click    Clear all textboxes and output label
btnExit    Click    Close program (Hint: use “Me.close”)
frmRentList    Load    Clear all textboxes and output label (Hint: call the ClearFields module)

Step 5: Executing the Program
To execute your code, click Start and then start debugging. Check your output to ensure that you have space(s) where appropriate. If you need to fix anything, close your execution window and modify your code as necessary and rebuild.

Step 6: Deliverables
1.    Capture a screen print of your output [Do a PRINT SCREEN and paste into an MS Word document].
2.    Copy your code and paste it into the same MS Word document that contains the screen print of your output.
3.    Save the Word document as CIS170A_Lab06_LastName_FirstInitial
4.    Zip up the Word document along with the complete set of project files into a single document.
5.    Place deliverables in the Dropbox.


87 in stock

SKU: CIS170AILAB6 Category:


CIS170A Week 6 Lab 6 of 7 Arrays Rent List

Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary:
Step 1: Create a New Project
Create a Visual Basic Console Project in Visual Studio. Name the Project CIS170A_Lab06.
Write the program that will use arrays to store rent by floor and display the rent for the selected floor using the Processing Logic provided in Step 2.

Step 2: Program Description
In this project, you will create a program, using an array, which keeps a list of the rent rates for an apartment building. The rent rate for an apartment depends on which floor the apartment is located on and every apartment on the same floor has the same rent rate. The program shall read the name of the apartment building, how many floors the apartment building has, and get the rental rates for each of the floors. Once the rental rates are provided, the program shall list the rates. The program user shall be able to provide a floor number and the program will display the apartment building name, the total number of floors, the requested floor, and how much the rent is for the given floor.

The customer has several apartment buildings to choose from. The smallest apartment building has three floors and the largest apartment building has 20 floors. The program shall validate that the floor number is between the minimum and maximum floor values. Also, the minimum rental rate for any building is $1,000 per month, while the highest rent is $2,500. The program shall validate that the provided rental rates are within the minimum and maximum rates.

Design Requirements:
In Week 7, we will expand on this program and in order to easily modify it, your program will incorporate the following design features:
1. The design will be modular and the event handlers shall not contain any processing logic, but only invoke reusable modules.
2. All minimum and maximum values shall be declared as constants.
3. The user shall not be able to input the floor he or she wants to search for until after the apartment building name, the number of floors in the building, and the rent values for each of the floors in the building have been entered and validated.
4. Declare rentlist, numFloors, and requestedFloor as form level variables. All other variables should be declared locally as required.

The following shows the Program Hierarchy:

The following shows the flowchart of the program.

Step 3: Build The Form
The following is the Object, Property, Setting, Event chart for the form controls, and each input field will have a label/input field pair. Also, group the related information in the associated group box.

The form and form controls will be logically placed on the form, the controls aligned and sized, and a logical tab order will be assigned to each of the form controls.

Object    Property    Setting
frmRentList    Text    Apartment Rent List
lblHeading    Text    Name, Course Title, Week Number, Lab Title
grpApartmentInfo    Text    Apartment Building Information
   lblName    Text    Apartment Name:
   txtName    Text    (empty)
   lblNumFloors    Text    Number of Floors:
   txtNumberFloors    Text    (empty)
   lstRents    Items    (empty)
   btnRentData    Text    Get Rent List
grpFloorRequest    Text    Floor Request
   lblFloor Request    Text    Requested Floor
   txtFloorRequest    Text     (empty)
   btnGetFloorRent    Text    Get Floor Rent
grpResults    Text    Rent Results
   lblRentResults    Text    (empty)
grpOperations    Text    Operations
   btnClear    Text    Clear
   btnExit    Text    Exit

Step 4: Implement the Event Handlers
Use the following as the design for your event handlers, referring to the flowchart for rules on input validation and processing. The final calculation SHOULD NOT be completed until all the input fields are validated.

Control Name    Event    Task
txtName    Validating    Get apartment name
Validate apartment name
txtNumberFloors    Validating    Get number of floors
Validate number of floors
btnRentData    Click    Collect Floor Rent
Get Data
Add to lstRents
txtFloorRequests    Validating    Get requested floor
Validate requested floor
btnGetFloorRent    Click    Find Floor Data
Display Floor Data
btnClear    Click    Clear all textboxes and output label
btnExit    Click    Close program (Hint: use “Me.close”)
frmRentList    Load    Clear all textboxes and output label (Hint: call the ClearFields module)

Step 5: Executing the Program
To execute your code, click Start and then start debugging. Check your output to ensure that you have space(s) where appropriate. If you need to fix anything, close your execution window and modify your code as necessary and rebuild.

Step 6: Deliverables
1.    Capture a screen print of your output [Do a PRINT SCREEN and paste into an MS Word document].
2.    Copy your code and paste it into the same MS Word document that contains the screen print of your output.
3.    Save the Word document as CIS170A_Lab06_LastName_FirstInitial
4.    Zip up the Word document along with the complete set of project files into a single document.
5.    Place deliverables in the Dropbox.



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