CIS 170 Week 7 iLab 7 of 7 Contact Manager

$ 15

CIS 170 Week 7 iLab 7 of 7 Contact Manager

Part A: Contact Manager

Your mission: Write a Windows application that gets names and e-mail addresses from the user and displays a list of all of the user’s contacts. Each time the user enters a new contact, he/she should able to see it added to a list of previously stored contacts. For example, in the following sample output below, after the user clicks the “Add Contact” button, the list will include John Mann’s contact information at the bottom.
Sample output:

Best practice:
First, make sure to read through this week’s lecture and textbook readings to get ideas about how to work with files. Then, before attempting a GUI application, just try implementing a short console application to open an existing .txt file, add some lines to it, and then close it. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the file, open it, and see if your program worked. If it did, then try to open the .txt file from your console app and read data from it. Once you have that working, try the same operations in the form of a GUI app. Refer to the textbook for useful examples.
Note: Make sure to first create a .txt file in your project’s bin/Debug folder to hold the contact info.
When designing the GUI, consider initially disabling the e-mail textbox and the button until all information is entered. Redisable them when the button is clicked. Note that you can also use the Tab Index property of GUI objects to set their order of use.

When the “Add Contact” button is clicked
Open an output file stream for appending
Write the contact’s name and e-mail address to the file
Close the file stream
Clear the list
Open an input file stream for reading
Add each line of the file to the list
Close the file stream
When the form closes Close the input and output file streams


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SKU: CIS170BILAB7 Category:


CIS 170 Week 7 iLab 7 of 7 Contact Manager

Part A: Contact Manager

Your mission: Write a Windows application that gets names and e-mail addresses from the user and displays a list of all of the user’s contacts. Each time the user enters a new contact, he/she should able to see it added to a list of previously stored contacts. For example, in the following sample output below, after the user clicks the “Add Contact” button, the list will include John Mann’s contact information at the bottom.
Sample output:

Best practice:
First, make sure to read through this week’s lecture and textbook readings to get ideas about how to work with files. Then, before attempting a GUI application, just try implementing a short console application to open an existing .txt file, add some lines to it, and then close it. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the file, open it, and see if your program worked. If it did, then try to open the .txt file from your console app and read data from it. Once you have that working, try the same operations in the form of a GUI app. Refer to the textbook for useful examples.
Note: Make sure to first create a .txt file in your project’s bin/Debug folder to hold the contact info.
When designing the GUI, consider initially disabling the e-mail textbox and the button until all information is entered. Redisable them when the button is clicked. Note that you can also use the Tab Index property of GUI objects to set their order of use.

When the “Add Contact” button is clicked
Open an output file stream for appending
Write the contact’s name and e-mail address to the file
Close the file stream
Clear the list
Open an input file stream for reading
Add each line of the file to the list
Close the file stream
When the form closes Close the input and output file streams



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