POS 409 Week 3 Option B Rolling Dice C# Program

$ 15

POS 409 Week 3 Option B Rolling Dice C# Program

Design, implement, test, and debug a C# project to show the frequencies of the sum of two dice for 100 rolls. The program will read the file you created in the dice simulation in Week Two.

Include the following:
Declare an array that represents the possible results of throws of two dice. (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12)
For each entry in the file, increment the element of the array corresponding to that result.
Last, display the frequency count for that simulation. Show the 11 possible values and the frequency that the sum occurs in your file.

Zip the files of the project together and submit the zipped file.

81 in stock

SKU: POS409WEEK3IA Category:


POS 409 Week 3 Option B Rolling Dice C# Program

Design, implement, test, and debug a C# project to show the frequencies of the sum of two dice for 100 rolls. The program will read the file you created in the dice simulation in Week Two.

Include the following:
Declare an array that represents the possible results of throws of two dice. (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12)
For each entry in the file, increment the element of the array corresponding to that result.
Last, display the frequency count for that simulation. Show the 11 possible values and the frequency that the sum occurs in your file.

Zip the files of the project together and submit the zipped file.


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