MSCD610 Week 7 Course Project Details Hotel Database

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MSCD610 Week 7 Course Project Details Hotel Database

The course project is to develop a Data Model and Database Design for a set of business case requirements. Students should informally review their ER model with the facilitator in week 4 or 5.

This project should follow a top-down database design process and produce the following outputs:
1. A set of business information requirements in the form of a business case abstract.

2. A complete ERD that models those requirements.
This model should include the following:
a. A definition of each entity
b. The unique identifier for each entity
c. The attributes associated with each entity
d. The relationships between the entities including their cardinality, optionally, and names

3. A physical implementation of a database from the logical design (ERD).
The tables should be normalized to 3NF. For this design include:
a. The name for each table
b. The primary key for the table, and any secondary keys
c. Any foreign keys
d. A data dictionary
e. Any sample data available

4. The DDL scripts for implementing the physical database design for this database. Include the referential integrity constraints for these tables. Also include the DDL for any needed indexes and/or views. If necessary, indicate any database tuning which is anticipated on this database.

5. Create the designed Oracle database, and load it with sample data. Then print the definition of the tables, indexes, and any views. Print sample report(s) showing the query definitions in the business requirements have been met.

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MSCD610 Week 7 Course Project Details Hotel Database

The course project is to develop a Data Model and Database Design for a set of business case requirements. Students should informally review their ER model with the facilitator in week 4 or 5.

This project should follow a top-down database design process and produce the following outputs:
1. A set of business information requirements in the form of a business case abstract.

2. A complete ERD that models those requirements.
This model should include the following:
a. A definition of each entity
b. The unique identifier for each entity
c. The attributes associated with each entity
d. The relationships between the entities including their cardinality, optionally, and names

3. A physical implementation of a database from the logical design (ERD).
The tables should be normalized to 3NF. For this design include:
a. The name for each table
b. The primary key for the table, and any secondary keys
c. Any foreign keys
d. A data dictionary
e. Any sample data available

4. The DDL scripts for implementing the physical database design for this database. Include the referential integrity constraints for these tables. Also include the DDL for any needed indexes and/or views. If necessary, indicate any database tuning which is anticipated on this database.

5. Create the designed Oracle database, and load it with sample data. Then print the definition of the tables, indexes, and any views. Print sample report(s) showing the query definitions in the business requirements have been met.


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