Microsoft Access 2010 Chapter 8 Advanced Form Techniques Camashaly Design database AC 466 – AC 520

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Microsoft Access 2010 Chapter 8 Advanced Form Techniques Camashaly Design database AC 466 – AC 520

Save the Client View and Update Form. AC 499 – AC 500.
Save the Multipage Form. AC 500 – AC 518

Project – Advanced Form Techniques
Camashaly Design wants two additional form to use with its Clients and Business Analyst tables. The first form Client View and Update Form (Figure 8-1a), contains the fields in the Client table. The form has five command buttons: Next Record, Previous Record, Add Record, Delete Record, and Close Form. Clicking nay of these buttons causes the action indicated on the button to take place.
The form also contains a combo box for the Business Analyst Number field that assists users in selecting the correct analyst (Figure 8-1b).
To assist users in finding a client when they know the clients name, the form also includes a combo box they can use for this purpose (Figure 8-1c). After clicking the arrow, the user can simply click the client they want to find; Access then will locate the client and display that clients data in the form (Figure 8-1d).

For the second new form, Camashaly Design needs a multipage form that lists the numbers and names of the analyst. Selecting the first tab, the one labelled Datasheet, displays a subform listing about the course offering for clients of the selected analyst (Figure 8-2a).
Selecting the other tab, the one labelled Charts, displays two charts that illustrate the total hours spent and hours remaining by the analyst for the various courses (Figure 8-2b). In both charts, the slices of the pie represent the various course. They are color coded and legend at the bottom indicates the meaning of various colors. The size of pie slice gives a visual representation of the portion of the hours spent or hours remaining by the analyst for the particular course. The chats also includes specific percentages. If you look at the bottom purple slice in the Hours Spent by Course Offering chart, for example, you see that the color represent course C04. It signifies 42% of the total. Thus, for all the hours already spent on the various course offering by analyst 11, 42% have been spent on course C04.

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Microsoft Access 2010 Chapter 8 Advanced Form Techniques Camashaly Design database AC 466 – AC 520

Save the Client View and Update Form. AC 499 – AC 500.
Save the Multipage Form. AC 500 – AC 518

Project – Advanced Form Techniques
Camashaly Design wants two additional form to use with its Clients and Business Analyst tables. The first form Client View and Update Form (Figure 8-1a), contains the fields in the Client table. The form has five command buttons: Next Record, Previous Record, Add Record, Delete Record, and Close Form. Clicking nay of these buttons causes the action indicated on the button to take place.
The form also contains a combo box for the Business Analyst Number field that assists users in selecting the correct analyst (Figure 8-1b).
To assist users in finding a client when they know the clients name, the form also includes a combo box they can use for this purpose (Figure 8-1c). After clicking the arrow, the user can simply click the client they want to find; Access then will locate the client and display that clients data in the form (Figure 8-1d).

For the second new form, Camashaly Design needs a multipage form that lists the numbers and names of the analyst. Selecting the first tab, the one labelled Datasheet, displays a subform listing about the course offering for clients of the selected analyst (Figure 8-2a).
Selecting the other tab, the one labelled Charts, displays two charts that illustrate the total hours spent and hours remaining by the analyst for the various courses (Figure 8-2b). In both charts, the slices of the pie represent the various course. They are color coded and legend at the bottom indicates the meaning of various colors. The size of pie slice gives a visual representation of the portion of the hours spent or hours remaining by the analyst for the particular course. The chats also includes specific percentages. If you look at the bottom purple slice in the Hours Spent by Course Offering chart, for example, you see that the color represent course C04. It signifies 42% of the total. Thus, for all the hours already spent on the various course offering by analyst 11, 42% have been spent on course C04.


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