CMIS 420 Homework Assignment 3 Advanced Relational Database Concepts and Applications

$ 20

CMIS 420 Homework Assignment 3 Advanced Relational Database Concepts and Applications

Homework Task 1:
Create a PL/SQL block to complete the followings.  
Output the cheapest movie information.  You can use the view you created in project 1 – task 1
In your block, referential type should be used to receive the cursor return.
Use DBMS_OUTPUT to output your result.
Possible Exception should be handled in exception handling section.  You are not required to use user-defined exception. Use Oracle predefined exception. When exception occurs, you need to output error code and error message.
Spool the output to a text file.  Don’t forget to use “Set serveroutput on”
Submit your code as .sql file and spooled output

Homework Task 2:
Create a stored procedure based on task 1 with an input parameter movie_id. Modify your cursor to use movie_id to select desired movie information. And execute the procedure and spool the execution result.
Spool the output to a text file.  Don’t forget to use “set serveroutput on”
Submit your code as .sql file and spooled output

Homework Task 3:
Create a statement trigger on orders table. The trigger fires after updating the table. When the trigger fires one record insert into the following temp table using the insert statement shown below:
Note: you need to create temp_table and its sequence using the following code.

PROMPT creating table temp_table ……………
DROP TABLE temp_table;
CREATE TABLE temp_table
( num_col NUMBER(5) not null primary key,
char_col VARCHAR2(30),
date_col  VARCHAR2(30));

PROMPT creating SEQUENCE trigger_seq ……………
DROP SEQUENCE trigger_seq;

INSERT INTO temp_table (num_col, char_col, date_col)
VALUES (trigger_seq.NEXTVAL, ‘After Statement trigger’, TO_CHAR(sysdate, ‘DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS’));
Submit your code as .sql file

Homework Task 4:
Create a row trigger on order_items table to fire after inserting the data into order_items table. When the trigger fires it inserts a record into temp_table using the following insert statement:
INSERT INTO temp_table (num_col, char_col, date_col)VALUES (trigger_seq.NEXTVAL, ‘After Row Trigger’, TO_CHAR(sysdate, ‘DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS’));
Submit your code as .sql file

Homework Task 5:
Test your triggers.
Update orders table to set total payment to 300. fire statement trigger on orders table.
Insert one record into order_items. Fire row trigger on order_items table.
Query temp_table to get the inserted records for trigger firing.
Spool the output to a text file and submit it.

96 in stock

SKU: CMIS420ASSIGNMENT3 Categories: ,


CMIS 420 Homework Assignment 3 Advanced Relational Database Concepts and Applications

Homework Task 1:
Create a PL/SQL block to complete the followings.  
Output the cheapest movie information.  You can use the view you created in project 1 – task 1
In your block, referential type should be used to receive the cursor return.
Use DBMS_OUTPUT to output your result.
Possible Exception should be handled in exception handling section.  You are not required to use user-defined exception. Use Oracle predefined exception. When exception occurs, you need to output error code and error message.
Spool the output to a text file.  Don’t forget to use “Set serveroutput on”
Submit your code as .sql file and spooled output

Homework Task 2:
Create a stored procedure based on task 1 with an input parameter movie_id. Modify your cursor to use movie_id to select desired movie information. And execute the procedure and spool the execution result.
Spool the output to a text file.  Don’t forget to use “set serveroutput on”
Submit your code as .sql file and spooled output

Homework Task 3:
Create a statement trigger on orders table. The trigger fires after updating the table. When the trigger fires one record insert into the following temp table using the insert statement shown below:
Note: you need to create temp_table and its sequence using the following code.

PROMPT creating table temp_table ……………
DROP TABLE temp_table;
CREATE TABLE temp_table
( num_col NUMBER(5) not null primary key,
char_col VARCHAR2(30),
date_col  VARCHAR2(30));

PROMPT creating SEQUENCE trigger_seq ……………
DROP SEQUENCE trigger_seq;

INSERT INTO temp_table (num_col, char_col, date_col)
VALUES (trigger_seq.NEXTVAL, ‘After Statement trigger’, TO_CHAR(sysdate, ‘DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS’));
Submit your code as .sql file

Homework Task 4:
Create a row trigger on order_items table to fire after inserting the data into order_items table. When the trigger fires it inserts a record into temp_table using the following insert statement:
INSERT INTO temp_table (num_col, char_col, date_col)VALUES (trigger_seq.NEXTVAL, ‘After Row Trigger’, TO_CHAR(sysdate, ‘DD-MON-YYY HH24:MI:SS’));
Submit your code as .sql file

Homework Task 5:
Test your triggers.
Update orders table to set total payment to 300. fire statement trigger on orders table.
Insert one record into order_items. Fire row trigger on order_items table.
Query temp_table to get the inserted records for trigger firing.
Spool the output to a text file and submit it.


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