CIS 115 Week 7 Exercise – Modularized Code

$ 12

CIS 115 Week 7 Exercise – Modularized Code

It’s often necessary to convert between units. In this exercise, you will create two functions for converting between units of distance. The first function will be called ConvertMilesToKilometers(), which will accept one parameter for the number of miles. It will return the equivalent number of kilometers. The second function will be called ConvertKilometersToMiles() and will accept kilometers as its parameter; this will return the equivalent number of miles.
The main program will ask the user if he or she wants to convert miles to kilometers or kilometers to miles. It will then ask for the number of miles or kilometers. It will call the appropriate function and display the converted value. Be sure to call the correct function. Be sure to save the return value in an appropriate variable. To convert miles to kilometers, divide miles by 0.62137. To convert kilometers to miles, multiply kilometers by 0.62137.

Do you want to convert to Miles or Kilometers? (M or K): M
Enter number of Kilometers: 3.5
3.5 kilometers equals 2.174795 miles.

Do you want to convert to Miles or Kilometers? (M or K): K
Enter number of Miles: 4.2
4.2 miles equals 6.759258 kilometers.

Be sure to think about the logic and design first (IPO chart, flowchart, and pseudocode), then code the Visual Basic program.
See list of required steps and grading rubric on next page…

Complete the steps, record your results in this document and submit the completed file to
the appropriate Dropbox.
1) Variable list
2) IPO chart
3) Hierarchy Chart & Flowchart
4) Pseudocode
5) Visual Basic code

Modularized Code
Document Points possible Points received
Variable list 4
IPO chart 4
Hierarchy Chart & Flowchart 4
Pseudocode 4
Working Program 4
Total Points 20

1) Variable List
List all of the variables you will use and make sure those variable names are valid. Indicate whether the data type is string, integer, decimal, etc.

2) IPO Chart
List the inputs, processes/calculations, and outputs. Use the same valid variable names you used in Step 1.
Inputs Process (calculations) Outputs

3) Hierarchy Chart & Flowchart
Use MS Visio to create a hierarchy chart and flowchart. Paste the hierarchy chart and flowchart here. Use the same valid variable names you used in Step 1.

4) Pseudocode
Describe your solution using pseudocode. Use the same valid variable names you selected in Step 1.

5) Visual Basic Code
Screen Shot of Running Program
Copy/paste your Visual Basic code here.
Paste a screenshot(s) of the complete working program here.

99 in stock

SKU: CIS115WEEK7EX Category:


CIS 115 Week 7 Exercise – Modularized Code

It’s often necessary to convert between units. In this exercise, you will create two functions for converting between units of distance. The first function will be called ConvertMilesToKilometers(), which will accept one parameter for the number of miles. It will return the equivalent number of kilometers. The second function will be called ConvertKilometersToMiles() and will accept kilometers as its parameter; this will return the equivalent number of miles.
The main program will ask the user if he or she wants to convert miles to kilometers or kilometers to miles. It will then ask for the number of miles or kilometers. It will call the appropriate function and display the converted value. Be sure to call the correct function. Be sure to save the return value in an appropriate variable. To convert miles to kilometers, divide miles by 0.62137. To convert kilometers to miles, multiply kilometers by 0.62137.

Do you want to convert to Miles or Kilometers? (M or K): M
Enter number of Kilometers: 3.5
3.5 kilometers equals 2.174795 miles.

Do you want to convert to Miles or Kilometers? (M or K): K
Enter number of Miles: 4.2
4.2 miles equals 6.759258 kilometers.

Be sure to think about the logic and design first (IPO chart, flowchart, and pseudocode), then code the Visual Basic program.
See list of required steps and grading rubric on next page…

Complete the steps, record your results in this document and submit the completed file to
the appropriate Dropbox.
1) Variable list
2) IPO chart
3) Hierarchy Chart & Flowchart
4) Pseudocode
5) Visual Basic code

Modularized Code
Document Points possible Points received
Variable list 4
IPO chart 4
Hierarchy Chart & Flowchart 4
Pseudocode 4
Working Program 4
Total Points 20

1) Variable List
List all of the variables you will use and make sure those variable names are valid. Indicate whether the data type is string, integer, decimal, etc.

2) IPO Chart
List the inputs, processes/calculations, and outputs. Use the same valid variable names you used in Step 1.
Inputs Process (calculations) Outputs

3) Hierarchy Chart & Flowchart
Use MS Visio to create a hierarchy chart and flowchart. Paste the hierarchy chart and flowchart here. Use the same valid variable names you used in Step 1.

4) Pseudocode
Describe your solution using pseudocode. Use the same valid variable names you selected in Step 1.

5) Visual Basic Code
Screen Shot of Running Program
Copy/paste your Visual Basic code here.
Paste a screenshot(s) of the complete working program here.


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