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  1. Project 3 Twin Life Magazine

    Project 3 Twin Life Magazine

    Regular Price: $15.00

    Special Price $12.00

    Project 3 Twin Life Magazine

    For your last project, you will design and build a web site for an online version of a magazine about twins.
    1. Plan and design the layout of the web site. You will need to review the files provided and the specifications for the web site before you begin this part.

    2. You are to create an online version of a magazine created for parents of twins, triplets, and other multiple birth children following the guidelines below.
     a. There are to be a total of five web pages for the site that you need to hand in plus one style sheet. A front page called twinlife.htm, a news page called news.htm, a monthly features page called features.htm, a page for special articles called articles.htm and a customer survey page called survey.htm. In addition you need to create a style sheet containing all the styles for the site called twinstyles.css.
     b. You will need to download the skeleton web pages, some text files and some images to use from the link on the Project 3 Instructions page. The text files contain information that you must use on the pages. Go through all of these files and decide what should go on each page. It is up to you what you put on which page although some of the information clearly goes on certain pages. Feel free to supplement them if you want but if you use additional images be sure to include them when you submit your assignment. The design of the web site is up to you.
    c. General instructions for all pages.
     1. Add your name, the date and an appropriate description to the head of every page.
     2. The logo, twinlife.gif, must appear as an image map with links to the other pages at the top of every page. You will have to determine the coordinates using an image map editor like, http://www.image-maps.com.
     3. Regular links to the other pages must appear in the footer of every page.
     4. All image files provided must be used.
     5. Code on every page must be neat, properly indented and easy to read
     6. All content of the text files provided must be used.
    d. All formatting should be done in twinstyles.css.
     1. All formatting and styles for the web pages must appear in this stylesheet.
     2. All style categories must have a descriptive comment before it in the page.
     3. Styles must be grouped and organized.
     4. All pages must have a common color scheme.
     5. Styles must be added for each page to insure that it is attractive and easy to navigate.
    e. Requirements for twinlife.htm.
     1. Must be the home page for the site.
     2. Must be attractive and easy to navigate.
     3. Must contain the current date. Use the showDate() function from dates.js JavaScript file to generate the text of the current date (do not write your own date code).
    f. Requirements for articles.htm.
     1. Must contain articles about twins and child care.
     2. Must be attractive and easy to navigate.
     3. Must have at least two columns.
    g. Requirements for features.htm
     1. Must contain the advice column, photo of the month and a recipe of the month.
     2. Must have borders around at least two elements.
     3. Must be attractive and easy to navigate.
    h. Requirements for news.htm
     1. Must contain a page of news stories neatly formatted and easy to read.
     2. Has a drop shadow around one object on the page.
     3. Must be attractive and easy to navigate.
    i. Requirements for survey.htm
     1. Must contain a web form requesting information from the newsletter subscribers. The required content can be found in survey.txt.
     2. Must be attractive and easy to navigate.
     3. Must contain, a Submit button and a Reset Button. The form should be submitted using the CGI script at: http://www.twinlifemag.com/cgi/survey.
    j. There are numerous files available with information that you must use in your website.
    1. twinlife.htm – A homepage.
    2. news.htm – A news page.
    3. features.htm - A page containing monthly features.
    4. articles.htm – A containing special articles about twins.
    5. survey.htm - A customer survey page
    6. twinstyles.css - A style sheet that must contain all the styles for the site.
    7. twinlogo.gif – Image for logo of newsletter.
    8. editor.txt - Content for a letter from an editor of the newsletter
    9. howard.jpg - Image of the editor of the newsletter.
    10. staff.txt - A list of the newsletter staff.
    11. twins.jpg - An image of a set of twins.
    12. chicago.txt - An article about a twins convention held in Chicago.
    13. lasker.jpg – Image of author of convention article.
    14. twintips.txt - Content of a Q&A page.
    15. lawson.jpg - An image of the author of the Q&A information.
    16. talk.txt - Content for an article about twins and talking.
    17. kuhlman.jpg - An image of the author of the twins and talking article.
    18. roles.txt - Content for an article about twins switching roles.
    19. kerkman.jpg - An image of the author of twins switching roles.
    20. rates.txt - Content for an article about the frequency of twins.
    21. mbirths.txt - Content for an article about multiple births increasing.
    22. recipe.txt - Recipe of the month.
    23. deliver.txt - Photo of the month – goes with deliver.jpg
    24. deliver.jpg - An image of the twins being delivered.
    25. survey.txt - Specifics for the survey page.
    26. dates.js - Javascript code to handle all date manipulation.

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  2. Bigger Vision of Athens Lab 6 Program to connect database

    Bigger Vision of Athens Lab 6 Program to connect database

    Regular Price: $12.00

    Special Price $10.00

    Bigger Vision of Athens Lab 6 Program to connect database

    For this project - you will be writing a program (you may choose whatever programming language you want) to read in your database tables from Lab 5, and then print out the contents of each of the tables. Additionally, you must print at least one query each with the following clauses:
    *JOIN (any version)

    You must submit the following:
    *Your program's source code
    *The SQL commands you used
    *Screenshots of the program's output

    Bigger Vision of Athens You have been asked to develop a database system for the Bigger Vision of Athens Emergency Shelter.
    BVoA is a small, community shelter with approximately 142 beds.
    The basic goal is to provide hot meals, showers, laundry services, and a place to stay at night for the surrounding community in North Georgia.
    The various business functions that the non-profit currently has are:
    1. Guest management software: Stores information about guests of the shelter
    2. Volunteer management software: Records information about the shelter's volunteers
    3. Scheduling software: Assigns guests and volunteers to specific days of the month
    4. Financial management software: Tracks the shelter inventory, financial resources, and operations of the shelter, including donor information
    5. Administrative services software: Provide general management and support services for board members not directly related to shelter operations

    Examples of shelter software operations include: scheduling guests for the night, scheduling volunteers in advance for certain days, clocking guests and volunteers in and out, recording meals, showers, and laundry services, writing up guests for rule violations, reviewing inventory levels of needed supplies, putting in requests for new supplies, logging board meeting notes, and saving donor information.
    The staff at the shelter include 80 full-time personnel and 30 part-time personnel, such as: the executive director, board members, administrative staff, day workers, night workers, job counselors, social services staff, technical support staff, cooking staff, janitorial staff, and security staff.

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  3. Bigger Vision of Athens Lab 4 Create Table in Oracle

    Bigger Vision of Athens Lab 4 Create Table in Oracle

    Regular Price: $12.00

    Special Price $10.00

    Bigger Vision of Athens Lab 4 Create Table in Oracle

    For this lab we will be taking the final set of 3NF tables developed from our normalization process in Lab 3 and creating them into Oracle Database (through installing or using an online tool).

    (Please review the tutorials posted in Week 9 to check your work from Lab 3 and get it into the correct form)
    You will use SQL and the CREATE TABLE command to create each table with its various attributes (columns).
    You will then use the INSERT INTO command to add 5 rows of sample data to populate each table.
    After creating the tables and entering the data, use the SELECT * FROM {tablename} command to list all of the data in each table. You can do a screen capture to save the table data.

    Turn in the following:
    *A text file containing all the SQL commands you used to create each tables, insert the data, and select it in order.
    *Screenshots for each of your tables with all of the data

    Bigger Vision of Athens You have been asked to develop a database system for the Bigger Vision of Athens Emergency Shelter.
    BVoA is a small, community shelter with approximately 142 beds.
    The basic goal is to provide hot meals, showers, laundry services, and a place to stay at night for the surrounding community in North Georgia.
    The various business functions that the non-profit currently has are:
    1. Guest management software: Stores information about guests of the shelter
    2. Volunteer management software: Records information about the shelter's volunteers
    3. Scheduling software: Assigns guests and volunteers to specific days of the month
    4. Financial management software: Tracks the shelter inventory, financial resources, and operations of the shelter, including donor information
    5. Administrative services software: Provide general management and support services for board members not directly related to shelter operations

    Examples of shelter software operations include: scheduling guests for the night, scheduling volunteers in advance for certain days, clocking guests and volunteers in and out, recording meals, showers, and laundry services, writing up guests for rule violations, reviewing inventory levels of needed supplies, putting in requests for new supplies, logging board meeting notes, and saving donor information.
    The staff at the shelter include 80 full-time personnel and 30 part-time personnel, such as: the executive director, board members, administrative staff, day workers, night workers, job counselors, social services staff, technical support staff, cooking staff, janitorial staff, and security staff.

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  4. CIS115 Week 5 Lab Race Time Sorting in Python

    CIS115 Week 5 Lab Race Time Sorting in Python

    Regular Price: $12.00

    Special Price $10.00

    CIS115 Week 5 Lab Race Time Sorting in Python

    CIS115 Week 5 Lab Overview

    Title of Lab: Race Time Sorting in Python

    Store the times into arrays called Chevy[ ] and Ford[ ]. Then list the winner of each pair, giving the number of seconds the winner won by. At the end declare which team won based on which team had the most wins.

    • A source code Python file.
    • A Word document containing both source code and the screen print of the program outputs.

    Lab Steps
    There are eight cars in each team called Chevy and Ford. One car from each team races its opponent on the drag strip. Read in the racing times for the eight Chevy cars and then read in the times for the eight Ford cars.

    Sample Match:
    ---Input Chevy Times---
    Enter time for Chevy Car 1: 5.4
    Enter time for Chevy Car 2: 7.2
    Enter time for Chevy Car 3: 4.0
    Enter time for Chevy Car 4: 9.1
    Enter time for Chevy Car 5: 5.8
    Enter time for Chevy Car 6: 3.9
    Enter time for Chevy Car 7: 6.2
    Enter time for Chevy Car 8: 8.1
    ---Input Ford Times---
    Enter time for Ford Car 1: 5.8
    Enter time for Ford Car 2: 6.9
    Enter time for Ford Car 3: 3.9
    Enter time for Ford Car 4: 9.2
    Enter time for Ford Car 5: 5.8
    Enter time for Ford Car 6: 3.8
    Enter time for Ford Car 7: 6.0
    Enter time for Ford Car 8: 8.5
    And the winners are:
    Chevy by 0.4 sec
    Ford by 0.3 sec
    Ford by 0.1 sec
    Chevy by 0.1 sec
    Ford by 0.1 sec
    Ford by 0.2 sec
    Chevy by 0.4 sec
    And the winning team is: F O R D !

    • Accept the racing times for each of the Chevy cars into the array Chevy[ ].
    • Accept the racing times for each of the Ford cars into the array Ford[ ].
    • Then declare the wining car for each race, giving the winning time in seconds.
    • If the times are identical, then declare the race was a tie.
    • Finally, declare which team won the match, assuming a tie is possible.

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  5. CIS115 Week 4 Lab Multiplication Table in Python

    CIS115 Week 4 Lab Multiplication Table in Python

    Regular Price: $12.00

    Special Price $10.00

    CIS115 Week 4 Lab Multiplication Table in Python

    CIS115 Week 4 Lab Overview

    Title of Lab: Multiplication Table in Python

    This week's lab is to create a simple multiplication table using nested loops and if statements.
    Prompt the user for the size of the multiplication table (from 2x2 to 10x10). Use a validation loop to display a warning if the number is less than 2 or greater than 10 and prompt the user to enter the data again until they enter a valid number.
    Put a # after any even number in your table (odd numbers will have just a space/nothing after them).

    • A source code Python file.
    • A Word document containing both source code and the screen print of the program outputs.

    Lab Steps

    Sample Output:
    The output should be something similar to the following.
    What size multiplication table would you like? (2 - 10): 1
    Invalid entry - Enter a number between 2 and 10
    What size multiplication table would you like? (2 - 10): 15
    Invalid entry - Enter a number between 2 and 10
    What size multiplication table would you like? (2 - 10): 10

    --- Multiplication Table ( 10 x 10 ) ---
             1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10
    1  |     1      2 #    3      4 #    5      6 #    7      8 #    9     10 #
    2  |     2 #    4 #    6 #    8 #   10 #   12 #   14 #   16 #   18 #   20 #
    3  |     3      6 #    9     12 #   15     18 #   21     24 #   27     30 #
    4  |     4 #    8 #   12 #   16 #   20 #   24 #   28 #   32 #   36 #   40 #
    5  |     5     10 #   15     20 #   25     30 #   35     40 #   45     50 #
    6  |     6 #   12 #   18 #   24 #   30 #   36 #   42 #   48 #   54 #   60 #
    7  |     7     14 #   21     28 #   35     42 #   49     56 #   63     70 #
    8  |     8 #   16 #   24 #   32 #   40 #   48 #   56 #   64 #   72 #   80 #
    9  |     9     18 #   27     36 #   45     54 #   63     72 #   81     90 #
    10 |    10 #   20 #   30 #   40 #   50 #   60 #   70 #   80 #   90 #  100 #

    • The outer loop will start each new row.
    • The inner loop will control the display of each column in the row.
    • Note that to keep the numbers right-aligned, there are different amounts of space before single digit numbers (those less than 10), double digit numbers (those between 10-99), and triple digit numbers (100).
    • The row labels can be added to your inner loop (note that there are different amounts of space required after the number in the row labels.
    • The column labels should use a separate loop(s) that run before the main outer loop.
    • You can continue printing on the same line using end="" in your print statement. This will come in handy if you want to print several things on one line inside a loop. For example, assuming the value of name is Ada, the following will print "Hello Ada" on one line:
    print("hello ", end="")
    print(name, end="")

    • Start early!
    • Do the basic table first without worrying about spacing or lining things up, and don't include row or column headings (add those later).
    • Once you get the numbers in the correct position, think about adding the proper amount of space before each number to line things up.
    • Once the columns line up, add the #/space for even/odd numbers.
    • Once the basic table is working, then add the row and column headings, and finally the main title.
    • Test as you go!

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  6. DAT 210 Data Programming Week 3 Calculates the total annual compensation of a salesperson

    DAT 210 Data Programming Week 3 Calculates the total annual compensation of a salesperson

    Regular Price: $12.00

    Special Price $10.00

    DAT 210 Data Programming Week 3 Calculates the total annual compensation of a salesperson

    You work for a software company has just created a new incentive for salespeople to earn a commission on each sale. The current program only allows for a fixed salary. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has asked you to create a new program that allows the functionality for a fixed salary and commission.

    Write a Java application, using NetBeans IDE, that calculates the total annual compensation of a salesperson.
    Consider the following:
    • A salesperson will earn a fixed salary of $30,000.
    • A salesperson will also receive a commission as a sales incentive. Commission is a percentage of the salesperson's annual sales. The current commission is 7% of total sales.
    • The total annual compensation is the fixed salary plus the commission earned.

    The Java® application should meet the following technical requirements:
    • The application should have at least one class, in addition to the application's controlling class. (A controlling class is where the main function resides).
    • A file needs to be created to contain the output.
    • There should be proper documentation in the source code.
    • The application should ask the user to enter annual sales, and it should display the total annual compensation.

    Compile your Java application files into a ZIP folder.
    Review the Lynda.com videos from this week if you have additional questions on creating a program in Java.
    Submit the ZIP file.

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  7. ITS320 Module 2 Option 2 Creating a Python Application using dictionary

    ITS320 Module 2 Option 2 Creating a Python Application using dictionary

    Regular Price: $10.00

    Special Price $8.00

    ITS320 Module 2 Option 2 Creating a Python Application using dictionary

    Option #2: Creating a Python Application

    Assignment Instructions
    Develop a Python application that incorporates using appropriate data types and provides program output in a logical manner. Your program should prompt a user to enter a car brand, model, year, starting odometer reading, an ending odometer reading, and the estimated miles per gallon consumed by the vehicle. Store your data in a dictionary and print out the contents of the dictionary.

    Assignment Submission Instructions:
    Submit a text file containing your Python code into the Module 2 drop box. Name your file ITS320_CTA2_Option2.py.

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  8. ITS320 Module 2 Option 1 Creating a Python Application for string validation

    ITS320 Module 2 Option 1 Creating a Python Application for string validation

    Regular Price: $10.00

    Special Price $8.00

    ITS320 Module 2 Option 1 Creating a Python Application for string validation

    Option #1: Creating a Python Application
    Python has built-in string validation methods for basic data. It can check if a string is composed of alphabetical characters, alphanumeric characters, digits, etc.
    str.isalnum() This method checks if all the characters of a string are alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z and 0-9).
    >>> print 'ab123'.isalnum()
    >>> print 'ab123#'.isalnum()
    str.isalpha() This method checks if all the characters of a string are alphabetical (a-z and A-Z).
    >>> print 'abcD'.isalpha()
    >>> print 'abcd1'.isalpha()
    str.isdigit() This method checks if all the characters of a string are digits (0-9).
    >>> print '1234'.isdigit()
    >>> print '123edsd'.isdigit()
    str.islower() This method checks if all the characters of a string are lowercase characters (a-z).
    >>> print 'abcd123#'.islower()
    >>> print 'Abcd123#'.islower()
    str.isupper() This method checks if all the characters of a string are uppercase characters (A-Z).
    >>> print 'ABCD123#'.isupper()
    >>> print 'Abcd123#'.isupper()

    Assignment Instructions:
    Write a Python program that performs the following tasks:
    1. Read from the console an arbitrary string S of length less than 50 characters.
    2. In the first output line, print True if S has any alphanumeric characters. Otherwise, print False.
    3. In the second line, print True if S has any alphabetical characters. Otherwise, print False.
    4. In the third line, print True if S has any digits. Otherwise, print False.
    5. In the fourth line, print True if S has any lowercase characters. Otherwise, print False.
    6. In the fifth line, print True if S has any uppercase characters. Otherwise, print False.
    7. Develop Python code that implements the program requirements.

    Assignment Deliverables:
    • Submit a text file containing your Python code into the Module 2 drop box. Name your file ITS320_CTA2_Option1.py

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  9. ITS320 Module 1 Option 2 Create a Python Application that read two integers and print two lines

    ITS320 Module 1 Option 2 Create a Python Application that read two integers and print two lines

    Regular Price: $10.00

    Special Price $8.00

    ITS320 Module 1 Option 2 Create a Python Application that read two integers and print two lines

    Option #2: Create a Python Application
    Read two integers and print two lines. The first line should contain integer division, //, the second line should contain float division, /, and the third line should contain modulo division, %. You do not need to perform any rounding or formatting operations.
    Input Format The first line contains the first integer. The second line contains the second integer.
    Output Format Print the three lines as described above.

    Sample Input

    Sample Output

    Assignment Instructions
    1. Install Python3 on your computer if you don’t have it already installed. Make sure you check the box to include the Python executable in your environment path.
    2. Edit your Python program using your choice of editor such as Notepad, Notepad++, or Idle. Idle is a simple Python interactive development environment that installed with your Python package.
    3. Save your Python code in a file name ITS320_CTA1_Option2.py.
    4. Execute your Python code in command prompt as python ITS320_CTA1_Option2.

    Assignment Deliverables
    Submit the text file named ITS320_CTA1_Option2.py that contains your Python code into the Module 1 drop box.

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  10. ITS320 Module 1 Option 1 Create a Python Application that outputs mouse

    ITS320 Module 1 Option 1 Create a Python Application that outputs mouse

    Regular Price: $10.00

    Special Price $8.00

    ITS320 Module 1 Option 1 Create a Python Application that outputs mouse

    Option #1: Create a Python Application
    Write a Python Program that outputs this mouse:
              / _`>
     _)     / _)=
    (       / _/

    Assignment Instructions
    1. Install Python3 on your computer if you do not have it already installed it. You can download it from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-362/.
    2. Make sure you check the box to include the Python executable in your environment path.
    3. Edit your Python program using your choice of editor such as Notepad, Notepad++, or Idle. Idle is a simple Python interactive development environment that installed with your Python package.
    4. Save your Python code using the file name ITS320_CTA1_Option1.py.
    5. Execute your Python code in command prompt as python ITS320_CTA1_Option1.

    Assignment Deliverables
    • Submit the text file named ITS320_CTA1_Option1.py that contains your Python code into the Module 1 drop box

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