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  1. ITS320 Module 2 Option 1 Creating a Python Application for string validation

    ITS320 Module 2 Option 1 Creating a Python Application for string validation

    Regular Price: $10.00

    Special Price $8.00

    ITS320 Module 2 Option 1 Creating a Python Application for string validation

    Option #1: Creating a Python Application
    Python has built-in string validation methods for basic data. It can check if a string is composed of alphabetical characters, alphanumeric characters, digits, etc.
    str.isalnum() This method checks if all the characters of a string are alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z and 0-9).
    >>> print 'ab123'.isalnum()
    >>> print 'ab123#'.isalnum()
    str.isalpha() This method checks if all the characters of a string are alphabetical (a-z and A-Z).
    >>> print 'abcD'.isalpha()
    >>> print 'abcd1'.isalpha()
    str.isdigit() This method checks if all the characters of a string are digits (0-9).
    >>> print '1234'.isdigit()
    >>> print '123edsd'.isdigit()
    str.islower() This method checks if all the characters of a string are lowercase characters (a-z).
    >>> print 'abcd123#'.islower()
    >>> print 'Abcd123#'.islower()
    str.isupper() This method checks if all the characters of a string are uppercase characters (A-Z).
    >>> print 'ABCD123#'.isupper()
    >>> print 'Abcd123#'.isupper()

    Assignment Instructions:
    Write a Python program that performs the following tasks:
    1. Read from the console an arbitrary string S of length less than 50 characters.
    2. In the first output line, print True if S has any alphanumeric characters. Otherwise, print False.
    3. In the second line, print True if S has any alphabetical characters. Otherwise, print False.
    4. In the third line, print True if S has any digits. Otherwise, print False.
    5. In the fourth line, print True if S has any lowercase characters. Otherwise, print False.
    6. In the fifth line, print True if S has any uppercase characters. Otherwise, print False.
    7. Develop Python code that implements the program requirements.

    Assignment Deliverables:
    • Submit a text file containing your Python code into the Module 2 drop box. Name your file ITS320_CTA2_Option1.py

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  2. CIS115 Week 1 Lab Part 1 Registration Form

    CIS115 Week 1 Lab Building a Registration Form and Pay Calculator in Python

    Regular Price: $12.00

    Special Price $10.00

    CIS115 Week 1 Lab Building a Registration Form and Pay Calculator in Python

    CIS115 Week 1 Lab Overview

    Title of Lab: Building a Registration Form and Pay Calculator in Python

    Summary – Part 1
    Create a program that allows a student to complete a registration form and displays a completion message that includes the user's full name and a temporary password.

    Summary – Part 2
    Create a program that calculates a user's weekly gross and take-home pay.

    • 2 source code Python files.
    • A Word document containing both source code and the screen print of the program outputs.

    Lab Steps
    Part 1 – Registration Form

    Sample Output:
    Registration Form
    First Name: Eric
    Last Name: Idle
    Birth Year: 1934
    Welcome Eric Idle!
    Your Registration is complete.
    Your temporary password is: Eric*1934

    • The user's full name consists of the user's first name, a space, and the user's last name.
    • The temporary password consists of the user's first name, an asterisk (*), and the user's birth year.
    • Assume the user will enter valid data.

    first_name password=first_name + "*" + str(birth_year) password

    Part 2 – Pay Calculator

    Sample Output:
    Pay Check Calculator
    Hours Worked: 35
    Hourly Pay Rate: 14.50
    Gross Pay: 507.5
    Tax Rate: 18
    Tax Amount: 91.35
    Take Home Pay: 416.15

    • The formula for calculating gross pay is:
     o gross pay = hours worked * hourly rate
    • The formula for calculating tax amount is:
     o tax amount = gross pay * (tax rate / 100)
    • The formula for calculating take home pay is:
     o take home pay = gross pay - tax amount
    • The tax rate should be 18%, but the program should store the tax rate in a variable so that you can easily change the tax rate later, just by changing the value that's stored in the variable.
    • The program should accept decimal entries like 35.5 and 14.25.
    • Assume the user will enter valid data.
    • The program should round the results to a maximum of two decimal places.

    hours  gross_pay = round(hours * pay_rate, 2)    gross_pay
    pay_rate tax_rate = 18          tax_rate
       tax_amount = round(gross_pay * (tax_rate / 100), 2) tax_amount
       take_home_pay = round(gross_pay - tax_amount, 2) take_home_pay

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  3. CIS115 Week 2 Lab Even or Odd

    CIS115 Week 2 Lab Even or Odd and Grade Checker in Python

    Regular Price: $12.00

    Special Price $10.00

    CIS115 Week 2 Lab Even or Odd and Grade Checker in Python

    CIS115 Week 2 Lab Overview

    Title of Lab: Even or Odd and Grade Checker in Python

    Summary - Part 1
    Create a program that checks whether a number is even or odd.

    Summary - Part 2
    Create a program that checks one's letter grade.

    • 2 source code Python files.
    • A Word document containing both source code and the screen print of the program outputs.

    Lab Steps
    Part 1 - Even or Odd

    Sample Output:
    Even or Odd
    Enter an integer: 20
    This is an even number.

    • Use the selection structure.
    • Assume that the user will enter a valid integer

    Part 2 - Pay Calculator
    Make sure to use the following criteria:
    • 100 - 90: A
    • 89 - 80: B
    • 79 - 70: C
    • 69 - 60: D
    • 59 and below: F

    Sample Output:
    Grade Checker
    Enter your grade: 88
    You earned a B

    • Assume the user will enter valid data.
    • Selection structure needs to be used.

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  4. CIS115 Week 4 Lab Multiplication Table in Python

    CIS115 Week 4 Lab Multiplication Table in Python

    Regular Price: $12.00

    Special Price $10.00

    CIS115 Week 4 Lab Multiplication Table in Python

    CIS115 Week 4 Lab Overview

    Title of Lab: Multiplication Table in Python

    This week's lab is to create a simple multiplication table using nested loops and if statements.
    Prompt the user for the size of the multiplication table (from 2x2 to 10x10). Use a validation loop to display a warning if the number is less than 2 or greater than 10 and prompt the user to enter the data again until they enter a valid number.
    Put a # after any even number in your table (odd numbers will have just a space/nothing after them).

    • A source code Python file.
    • A Word document containing both source code and the screen print of the program outputs.

    Lab Steps

    Sample Output:
    The output should be something similar to the following.
    What size multiplication table would you like? (2 - 10): 1
    Invalid entry - Enter a number between 2 and 10
    What size multiplication table would you like? (2 - 10): 15
    Invalid entry - Enter a number between 2 and 10
    What size multiplication table would you like? (2 - 10): 10

    --- Multiplication Table ( 10 x 10 ) ---
             1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10
    1  |     1      2 #    3      4 #    5      6 #    7      8 #    9     10 #
    2  |     2 #    4 #    6 #    8 #   10 #   12 #   14 #   16 #   18 #   20 #
    3  |     3      6 #    9     12 #   15     18 #   21     24 #   27     30 #
    4  |     4 #    8 #   12 #   16 #   20 #   24 #   28 #   32 #   36 #   40 #
    5  |     5     10 #   15     20 #   25     30 #   35     40 #   45     50 #
    6  |     6 #   12 #   18 #   24 #   30 #   36 #   42 #   48 #   54 #   60 #
    7  |     7     14 #   21     28 #   35     42 #   49     56 #   63     70 #
    8  |     8 #   16 #   24 #   32 #   40 #   48 #   56 #   64 #   72 #   80 #
    9  |     9     18 #   27     36 #   45     54 #   63     72 #   81     90 #
    10 |    10 #   20 #   30 #   40 #   50 #   60 #   70 #   80 #   90 #  100 #

    • The outer loop will start each new row.
    • The inner loop will control the display of each column in the row.
    • Note that to keep the numbers right-aligned, there are different amounts of space before single digit numbers (those less than 10), double digit numbers (those between 10-99), and triple digit numbers (100).
    • The row labels can be added to your inner loop (note that there are different amounts of space required after the number in the row labels.
    • The column labels should use a separate loop(s) that run before the main outer loop.
    • You can continue printing on the same line using end="" in your print statement. This will come in handy if you want to print several things on one line inside a loop. For example, assuming the value of name is Ada, the following will print "Hello Ada" on one line:
    print("hello ", end="")
    print(name, end="")

    • Start early!
    • Do the basic table first without worrying about spacing or lining things up, and don't include row or column headings (add those later).
    • Once you get the numbers in the correct position, think about adding the proper amount of space before each number to line things up.
    • Once the columns line up, add the #/space for even/odd numbers.
    • Once the basic table is working, then add the row and column headings, and finally the main title.
    • Test as you go!

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  5. CIS115 Week 6 Lab Shopping List in Python

    CIS115 Week 6 Lab Shopping List in Python

    Regular Price: $12.00

    Special Price $10.00

    CIS115 Week 6 Lab Shopping List in Python

    CIS115 Week 6 Lab Overview

    Title of Lab: Shopping List in Python

    Create a program that will allow a user to add, list, and delete items from a shopping list.

    • A source code Python file.
    • A Word document containing both source code and the screen print of the program outputs.

    Lab Steps
    The program should be modular. For example, you will want to have an add_item(shopping_list) function, a delete_item(shopping_list) function, a display_list(shopping_list) function, a display_menu() function, and a main().

    Sample Output:
    Welcome to the program!
    1. Add an item
    2. List all items
    3. Delete an item
    4. Exit

    Enter a menu option: 2
    1 : bananas
    2 : apples

    Enter a menu option: 1
    Please enter the item: pears
    pears was added to the shopping list

    Enter a menu option: 2
    1 : bananas
    2 : apples
    3 : pears

    Enter a menu option: 3
    Which number to delete: 3
    pears was deleted

    Enter a menu option: 2
    1 : bananas
    2 : apples

    Enter a menu option: 4
    have a great day!

    • The program should start with 2 items in the shopping list.
    • Don't forget to include at the end of the program the code:
     o if __name__ == "__main__":
    • Use this code for the delete_item(shopping_list) function:
     def delete_item(shopping_list):
        number=int(input("Which number to delete: "))
        if number<1 or number>len(shopping_list):
            print("Invalid number\n")
            print(item," was deleted\n")

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  6. CYB 130 4.16 LAB Output range with increment of 10

    CYB/130 Week 3 Python LAB 4.16: Output range with increment of 10

    Regular Price: $8.00

    Special Price $3.00

    CYB/130 Week 3 Python LAB 4.16: Output range with increment of 10

    Write a program whose input is two integers. Output the first integer and subsequent increments of 10 as long as the value is less than or equal to the second integer.

    Ex: If the input is:
    the output is:
    -15 -5 5 15 25

    Ex: If the second integer is less than the first as in:
    the output is:
    Second integer can't be less than the first.

    For coding simplicity, output a space after every integer, including the last.

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  7. CBY 130 4.14 LAB Count input length without spaces periods or commas

    CYB/130 Week 3 Python LAB 4.14 LAB: Count input length without spaces, periods, or commas

    Regular Price: $8.00

    Special Price $3.00

    CYB/130 Week 3 Python LAB 4.14 LAB: Count input length without spaces, periods, or commas

    Given a line of text as input, output the number of characters excluding spaces, periods, or commas.

    Ex: If the input is:
    Listen, Mr. Jones, calm down.
    the output is:

    Note: Account for all characters that aren't spaces, periods, or commas (Ex: "r", "2", "!").


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  8. CBY130 5.18.1 LAB Miles to track laps

    CYB/130 Week 4 Python LAB 5.18: Miles to track laps

    Regular Price: $8.00

    Special Price $3.00

    CYB/130 Week 4 Python LAB 5.18: Miles to track laps
    One lap around a standard high-school running track is exactly 0.25 miles. Write the function miles_to_laps() that takes a number of miles as an argument and returns the number of laps. Complete the program to output the number of laps.

    Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:

    Ex: If the input is:
    the output is:

    Ex: If the input is:
    the output is:

    Your program must define and call the following function:
    def miles_to_laps(user_miles)

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  9. CYB130 5.19.1 LAB Driving costs - functions

    CYB/130 Week 4 Python LAB 5.19: Driving costs - functions

    Regular Price: $8.00

    Special Price $3.00

    CYB/130 Week 4 Python LAB 5.19: Driving costs - functions
    Driving is expensive. Write a program with a car's miles/gallon and gas dollars/gallon (both floats) as input, and output the gas cost for 10 miles, 50 miles, and 400 miles.

    Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:

    Ex: If the input is:
    the output is:

    Your program must define and call the following driving_cost() function. Given input parameters driven_miles, miles_per_gallon, and dollars_per_gallon, the function returns the dollar cost to drive those miles.

    Ex: If the function is called with:
    50  20.0  3.1599
    the function returns:

    def driving_cost(driven_miles, miles_per_gallon, dollars_per_gallon)
    Your program should call the function three times to determine the gas cost for 10 miles, 50 miles, and 400 miles.
    Note: This is a lab from a previous chapter that now requires the use of a function.

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  10. CYB130 5.20.1 LAB Step counter

    CYB/130 Week 4 Python LAB 5.20: Step counter

    Regular Price: $8.00

    Special Price $3.00

    CYB/130 Week 4 Python LAB 5.20: Step counter
    A pedometer treats walking 2,000 steps as walking 1 mile. Write a program whose input is the number of steps, and whose output is the miles walked.

    Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:

    Ex: If the input is:
    the output is:

    Your program must define and call the following function. The function should return the amount of miles walked.
    def steps_to_miles(user_steps)

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